Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Man

Here is my man. He is a good, Ephesians 5 man. I am very proud of how he listens to God and leads our family.

Let me start by saying that my husband may just kill me for putting this picture on here. So, if this is my last post, you know what happened!

Adam was coming over the fence and I asked him to stop and let me take some pictures. I was just playing around with my camera, not really anticipating a good picture. The lighting was good and I like the background. Adam thought he would be funny and pose as a joke. The shot actually turned out pretty good, with no editing. It also went along very well with my topic choice of the day...The Man.

This Sunday, the pastor spoke about the role of a man. This sparked the blog topic because roles of men and women are something I feel very strongly about. I am a very traditional woman and I have traditional views about these roles. If you are an avid feminist, you may want to stop reading now. Just kidding!

You see, God created both man and woman. He created them equal, but with different purposes, desires, roles in mind. Over time these roles have been skewed and turned into the opposite of how God desires us to live. God created men to step up and lead their families. Ephesians 5:23 says that the husband is to be the head over his wife. Ephesians 5 goes on the say that the wife should submit to her husband. This is hard for us women and it goes all the way back to Eve in Genesis. Genesis 3:16 says, "Then he said to the woman,“I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy,and in pain you will give birth.And you will desire to control your husband,but he will rule over you. ” The part that is interesting to me is the part that say we will want to control our husbands. When I look at many relationships today this is what I see. I see the wife controlling and bossing her husband around and then complaining because he won't lead in the home. Ephesians 5 also says that men are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. If each of would take responsibility for the role God has given us and let the other take responsibility for their role, I think marriages would look a lot different.

In conclusion...

Men, step up. Be the leader in your home. Pray with your family. Initiate Christ-centered living in your home, with your wife and children. Encourage your wife. Remind her that her role is important and remember to lead with her not be the master of her.

Women, stand down and give your man the opportunity to lead your family the way God intended. Pray with your husband and children. Support and encourage your husband. Let your children know what a wonderful father God has given them.

We are created equal, but with different purposes. No role is less important, just different. If both of us are trying to be the man, then who is filling the role God has laid out for the woman. I think all of us would agree we do not want our men filling the woman's role. We want our men to be men and we have to let them.


  1. You will always be glad that you have this picture! It is really crisp and clear. I especially like that it is "almost candid" and not super fake.

  2. Jana,
    What a blessing to read your blog. I'm so glad that you are taking the Godly legacy that has been handed down to you, and making it your own. Your photography is beautiful. I'm so thankful you are using them for His glory!
    Kim Wright
